BDSM blogok

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Loss and Lust
I lost someone close recently, I could not accept it, so I locked it away and waited for the next feelings. Normally it would be grief, sadness, but when they are locked away, what comes next?..Primal lust showed up, pulsating, raw, hard, greedy but I drowned it out with whiskey, it helped, for awhile but then lust came back, stronger, demanding and powerful, undeniably manifested by my roars and boiling rushes of blood in my veins. The iron cage is empty, the wolf smashed it wide open, only...

Megjelent: 2022. 12. 29. 03:06 | Utolsó hozzászólás: 2022. 12. 29. 16:45 | Hozzászólások: 3 | Tetszik: 0 | Látták: 300x