Ez a blog írás tényleg el tudja vonni a figyelmem a gondolataimtól... Hm
Arra gondoltam ezúttal egy angolul írt versemet osztom meg. Nem vagyok vérprofi szóval, ha esetleg valaki jobban tud angolul, akkor várom a segítséget szívesen, hogy kijavítsam az esetleges nyelvtani hibákat. 😄
Ez az egyik dühkitörésem eredménye, amit valamiért úgy éreztem, hogy angolul akarok megfogalmazni.🙃 Figyelem! Nagyon kreatív cím következik😀
Fuck you
I was thinking a lot
What should i tell, what i want most
I feel that it's a curse
I think i'm confused
But i don't care anymore, I won't swallow more
I have had enough of people who are cause me sore
I have had enough of being the used one
I have never said too rough words to a once loved one
But i don't care anymore, I just don't give a shit
If you want a new "friend" then go and find yourself someone fit
Block me like you have never knew me
Be happy as if you have never used me
There was a time when we talked a lot
I watched you as you gone, little by little
It wasn't quick like a shot
I don't care anymore why
I don't even want to
I just wanna say impolitely, fuck you
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