Bubble gum

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Bejegyzések idő szerint 2024. 07. (5)
2024. 06. (2)
Törölt felhasználó
07. 10. 21:46 | Megjelent: 224x

Gondolkoztam hogyan fordítanám a kapcsolódás szlengünk.Netflix and chill??

The satisfaction level of a "Netflix and chill" relationship can vary greatly depending on the individuals involved and the nature of their connection.

Emotionally, a Netflix and chill relationship can be satisfying if both partners are on the same page and understand the casual, laid-back nature of the arrangement. However, if one partner is looking for a deeper emotional connection or commitment, they may end up feeling unsatisfied and unfulfilled.

Physically, a Netflix and chill relationship can be satisfying if both partners enjoy each other's company and are attracted to one another. Physical intimacy can be a positive aspect of these types of relationships, but it is important for both partners to communicate their boundaries and expectations.

Mentally, a Netflix and chill relationship may not provide the same level of mental stimulation and intellectual connection as a more traditional dating or romantic relationship. If intellectual compatibility and deep conversations are important to one or both partners, they may find a Netflix and chill relationship to be lacking in this area.

Overall, a Netflix and chill relationship can be satisfying for some individuals who are looking for a low-pressure, casual connection with someone. However, it is important for both partners to be on the same page and communicate openly about their needs and expectations in order for the relationship to be fulfilling for both parties.




Low level:Sex only

Medium level:Netflix and chill

Medium level2:A relationship without a deep connection.

High level:Deep connection

Deep connection only=megkeseredettség?

Kapcsolódás=Geszti Petya!

“Valami van,de nem az igazi.De majd lesz valahogy és hát ez is valami.”

Lefele,középre,felfelé lővés.Kvalitások.

Megküzdési stratégiák,szubjektív prioritás,aktuális spirituális szint.

Tik-Tokon teenager csajszik ezt tanulják.

Felszínes kapcsolatok a mélyek helyett,az safety baby!

Instant ölelés szép szavakkal,fast food vacsi friend zone


Olyan világ jön

A szépség inzultus lesz.

A tehetség provokáció.

És a jellem merénylet!

És leöntik vitriollal a szépet.

Kapcsolódások adnak,elvesznek.Energia,idő,figyelem,lélek darabkák befektetése,low,medium levelbe,high helyett.

Dead-end street.

Btw…beugrott hogyan fordítanám szlengesen.

Capitalist romance!

Minden jog fenntartva!©️

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